Why The Advantages Of Nuclear Energy Is Not Enough

What are the reasons why nuclear power is bad? What are the advantages of nuclear energy? The questions continue.
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The information about the effects of the nuclear power has provoked a continual, unending debate at least since 1945 until this day.

Richard Rhodes of YaleEnvironment 360 speaks in support of nuclear power while Rose Kivi of sciencing supports the environmentalists in condemning the gigantic energy source.

In my own judgment, a trusted data report should be the determining factor of who is right or wrong. Let's find out!

    The effects of the nuclear power radiation into the environment

Richard Rhodes a Pulitzer prize-winning author in his own perspective says that the condemnation of the nuclear power by the environmentalists is positioned incorrectly.

And he goes ahead to state three advantages which Rose Kivi opposes with strong points.  #1. It generates the amount of electricity with zero carbon dioxide output in relation to the element of global warming.

While Rose Kivi, on the other hand, claims that during the process of mining this element there is the high level of carbon dioxide emission into the environment.

Also, when installing or building a new nuclear power plant, the machinery release carbon dioxide into the environment.

Then, #2. The advantage of nuclear power plant - it operates at higher capacity factors compare to other energy sources such as fossil fuels.

While again, Rose Kivi on her own judgment states that scientific studies have proven that each nuclear power plant uses uranium as fuel. They radiate constantly into the environment.

And these studies also have shown that long-term radiation of nuclear energy as low as it is, has proved to damage DNA.

Then, #3 Advantage of nuclear power - is that nuclear power emits less radiation into the environment compared to other major energy sources.

Now, Rose Kivi opposed again, that according to scientific discovery there is an increased rate of people suffering from Cancer who live close to a nuclear power station.

                                    The disadvantages of nuclear energy

Here are the reasons why nuclear power is bad:

1. The risk of nuclear power accidents - accidents could occur when the nuclear power plant is affected in or around; that could course a serious radiation into the environment.

2. The problem of the disposal of nuclear waste - this is another issue. Even if the government discovers a place such as a mountain to bury the waste, what about the loading and the transportation of the nuclear waste? Won't there be leakage? I don't know! That's risky!

3. The low radiation of nuclear energy courses cancer especially on the young generation - Like as we mentioned earlier, people who live near the nuclear power station are being affected by cancer as a result of this radiation.

4. Continues exposure to this low radiation damages DNA also.

      2018 survey report of large majorities in favor of environment protection

Gallup recently conducted a survey of the American public. Now see below the screenshot of the table, the analysis of Americans reactions on the environmental issue.

In this illustration, our focus is on line 8 and 9.

 First and foremost, line 8. Let's be realistic, and do a little arithmetics by breaking it down.

Now, 71 percent of Democrats, 30 percent of Republicans, and 53 percent of national adults are totally in support for passing a carbon tax to stir up low carbon dioxide emissions.

Thus, the total percentage of the group namely: Democrats, Republicans, and national adults put together is 154 percent (154%).

Then, the percentage of the group who are totally not in support of passing a carbon tax to stir up low carbon dioxide emissions.

Okay, 29 percent of Democrats, 70 percent of Republicans, and 47 percent of national adults put together is 146 percent (146%)

Again in line 9. Now 60 percent of Republicans, 45 percent of Democrats, and 37 percent of national adults are totally in support of nuclear energy expansion.

Therefore, the total percentage of the group namely: Republicans, Democrats and national adults put together is 142 percent (142%).

Let's figure out the percentage of the group who are totally not in support of the nuclear energy expansion.

 That means, 40 percent of Republicans, 55 percent of Democrats and 63 percent of national adults are totally not in support of this idea.

So, the total percentage of the group namely: Republicans, Democrats and national adults put together is 158 percent (158%). 

You've seen for yourself based on our analysis that a higher percentage (158%) of Americans totally condemn nuclear energy. While 142% totally are in favor of it.

On the other hand, our other observation here based on Gallup's findings is that there are two options for Americans: when the government focuses on protecting the environment the economy suffers.

When the government focuses on the growth of the economy the environment suffers.

In conclusion: I've come to realize that mostly, everything that has an advantage has also a level of disadvantages.

Now you know the reasons why nuclear energy is bad and the advantages of nuclear energy.

In the comment box below tell us, based on our argument who you think is right on this issue. And do not forget to share this post with your friends.

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